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Recently Shapiro FPG Founder & President, Stuart Shapiro, sat down with A&C Management Founder and President Danny Nessim to discuss the benefits of PEOs and working with A&C. Stuart – “Danny, let’s start off with the most basic question for business owners who are not aware but what is a PEO?” Danny – “Professional Employer […]
Insuring your income can be done just don’t put it off until tomorrow Consider this…. On a business trip the breadwinner of the family, while crossing the street, is struck by a taxi swerving to avoid another vehicle. In an instant, the victim is catapulted 30 feet into the air and when he hits the […]
What you need to know to make the right decisions now When it comes to health care the cacophony of opinions from experts, real and so-called, can be deafening. In fact, from Obamacare (to repeal and replace or not, what are the straight answers?) to state run health care exchanges to socialized medicine, the conversations […]