Lets face it, the greatest market in the world to start and own a business is the New York City Metro area. New York City is the heart of the business world and is home to the greatest financial markets in the world. As a business owner, having a foot hold in this vibrant business center can be an important step in growing a business. However, there is one pretty high hurdle to overcome, that being the New York City commercial real estate market.
Owning commercial property in New York City can be a daunting prospect and finding the right location with all of the right infrastructure needed is not a task to be taken lightly. Leasing can be an easier path to follow but still can be a long process, that like purchasing, can be a large task for the uninitiated. Working with an experienced commercial real estate will not only make the process easier to navigate but can also open up opportunities that you might not find if you try to source opportunities on your own.
We partner with MHP Real Estate Services, one of the premier commercial real estate firms in the world today. Founded more than four decades ago in the heart of Manhattan, MHP Real Estate Services has evolved from a boutique owner/manager of commercial properties into a globally respected industry leader. Every day, our dedicated teams help tenants and landlords navigate through New York’s new reality: increasingly complex space challenges and workplace trends in the new economy, intensely competitive investment markets, and the ever-growing impact of technology on real estate.
If you are looking for commercial property in the New York City Metro region or simply are beginning exploring the possibility of entering the region, feel free to call us or complete the form below.