Category: Taxes

Mar 21

Making the Most of Tax Reform

Yet again, it’s time to file taxes. Well, the world’s constantly moving, and there have been a few changes to the tax code. For employees and employers alike, we’re all looking for ways to keep more of our hard earned income. The reforms to the tax code enacted last year required employers to withhold a […]
Jan 23

Taxes and the Empire State – The Air Is Next

Who needs horror movies when you are a tax-paying resident of New York The end of the first year of the Trump Presidency saw the administration follow through on one of its biggest campaign promises, tax reform. Across the nation private tax-payers and business owners alike are celebrating some much needed financial freedom and the […]
Jan 1

The New Tax Law and You

A campaign promise kept will revive the US economy so private taxpayers and business owners need to be on their toes. Whenever a new presidential administration is in place the promises of the campaign trail slowly (and sometimes quietly) fall to the wayside as ‘bigger issues’ rear their heads. More often than not, the very […]