Author: Stuart Shapiro

Dec 15

Group Health Insurance

SFPG’s Group Health Insurance Division has top experts in the field and provides cutting edge strategies to reduce health Insurance cost while providing top quality health Insurance plans. This month we would like to recognize one of our team members Daniel Nessim. Daniel is the president and founder of A&C Management, a national leader in […]
Nov 1

Life Insurance You Don’t Have to Die to Use

When purchasing life insurance, Accelerated Benefits Riders, also called a Living Benefit, provide protection while you are living if you experience a qualifying terminal, chronic, critical illness or critical injury. With some polices there are no additional costs for this rider and it allows the policy holder to access the death benefit while living. You […]
Oct 10

Long-Term Investment Strategies

The current volatility in the financial markets is unsettling for investors. We all remember what happened in 2008. It is important to have a long-term investment strategy based on your financial goals and life plans. Below is a list of long-term investment strategies. These strategies are the key to doing well over the long run. […]
Aug 11

Insurance Division

The Shapiro Financial Planning Group has a deep and very strong insurance division representing over 50 major insurance companies. We work closely with underwriters to ensure that our clients get the best rates. Our focus is you: the client comes first and we are not motivated by commissions. We have experts in every area of […]
Jun 30

Retirement Diversification

“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” — Yogi Berra Certainly, the above quote applies to retirement. But that doesn’t mean you should not plan for it. It used to be easier. You worked for the same company for 30 or 40 years and retired with a pension and social security benefits. Today, […]
Apr 29

Introducing Paul Etra & PRB Wealth Management

Whenever one of our amazing partners has new content to share, especially when it helps our clients understand all of the possibilities available when working with Shapiro Financial Planning Group and our partners, we are more than happy to share. Such is the case with our good friend Paul Etra and PRB Wealth Management. We […]
Apr 11

Yes, You Need a Financial Advisor

One of the questions we often here when we are out talking about our services or networking throughout Long Island and New York City is, “Is a financial advisor necessary for investing or planning for retirement?” While we are admittedly biased in regards to this question, we will often provide information from various news sources, […]
Mar 21

Making the Most of Tax Reform

Yet again, it’s time to file taxes. Well, the world’s constantly moving, and there have been a few changes to the tax code. For employees and employers alike, we’re all looking for ways to keep more of our hard earned income. The reforms to the tax code enacted last year required employers to withhold a […]